Movie Review : My Little Bride (2004)
Tuesday, June 25, 2013 | 1:14 PM | 2 weird people
Assalamualaikum ♥Hai awaks semua. Hope sihat2 belaka la evendo lama gila tak baca blog aku. pffftt tak mati pon kalau tak baca blog aku ni. kuikui, sad Alia sad~
My Little Bride
Boeun (Moon Geun Young) is an ordinary 15-year-old high
school girl who worries about grades and has a crush on her school's baseball
team ace, Jungwoo. One day, Boeun's grandfather orders her to marry Sangmin
(Kim Rae Won) because of a pact he made with Sangmin's grandfather during the
Korean War. Despite the grandchildren's opposition, they are forced to marry
because of Boeun's grandfather's strong influence. However later on in the
story,it is revealed that Sangmin actually loves Boeun. Boeun's undercover
married life begins: She pretends that she doesn't have a husband and starts
dating Jungwoo. Boeun believes that she can manage both men and live a double
life. Everything goes smoothly until Sangmin visits Boeun's school as a student
teacher. From here, their relationship begins to grow. Soon later after an
accident, Boeun's family comes to know about Jungwoo. After talking to her
mother Boeun finally realizes that she loves Sangmin. At the school festival
she breaks up with Jungwoo and tells her feelings to Sangmin in front of the
whole school.
Maap la ye aku malas nak karang sinopsis sendiri. hehe, review aku, crita ni best gilo bagi yang suka movie genre romantic comedy.
Serius best! Sebabnya watak Boeun ni comel, manja2 sikit. Sangmin pulak klakar gila bila dia usik Boeun. Diorang tak nampak macam laki bini, nampak macam adik bradik je gaduh2 usik2 cenggitu. Comel!
Part yang paling suka tu bila skolah Boeun tau yang diorang dah kawin, Sangmin luahkan prasaan dia kat Boeun sincerely, ohmai aku jeles k. haha XD
part ni la! :D
le main characters ♥
So siapa yang minat tengok movie yg sweet2 gitu tengok la movie ni ok. Dijamin akan ulangtayang 10 kali. hehe
thanks for reading and
The Journey Is About To Begin
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 | 10:33 PM | 1 weird people
Assalamualaikum, hello readers :)
well, I have a good news for my own self. Aku dapat pegi Kolej Islam Antarabangsa kat Gombak, under UIA. :') rasa gembira dapat pegi, tapi dalam masa yg sama takut, pun ada jugak.
Seumur hidup aku, aku tak pernah pegi jauh dari rumah. Setakat kem skolah, kat Perlis je yang paling jauh. So aku rasa nervous sangat, I have to face the world on my own. dah takde mama tolong cakapkan, dah takde adik tolong buatkan, dah takde ayah tolong itu ini. Sedih . .
Aku harap nanti dapat duduk kat apartment/condo/asrama tu nanti dapat roommate yg sporting and gila macam aku. sebab kalau aku je yg gila tak syok la, makin gila la aku jawabnya. huhu.. and harap2 dapat bawak kereta sendiri, senang nak pegi mana. kalau bangun lewat pun tak payah tunggu bas lama2.
Doakan aku ye, maaf la kalau awak semua yg baca blog saya pernah tersedih ke, pernah termenyampah ke, sorry ye :')
Semoga apa yang aku buat ni betul. tawakal
thanks for reading
oyi jangan gaduh2 ngan muaz n abby tau?